Insights / Powering up a renowned supermarket chain’s supply

Powering up a renowned supermarket chain’s energy supply

Drax is now the proud energy partner of one of the largest supermarket chains in the UK.

We were awarded the contract to deliver the power that keeps one of the largest supermarket chains in the UK running. And we enabled stronger sustainability claims, improved customer service levels and helped localise our customer’s parent retail group’s trading strategy requirements as part of the transition.

Shopping trolley

A sizeable challenge

The renowned supermarket chain – with 900 UK stores – was approaching the end of its contracts cycle. It had identified its energy supplier as one to replace, and launched a tender process.

Drax ticked the chain’s boxes:

  • Renewable source electricity supply
  • Trading-strategy expertise
  • Experience of large rollouts
  • Clear communications and efficient project management capability
  • Ability to reduce costs and develop sustainability

Proficiency and efficiency

Planning was key to ensuring a smooth and ordered transition. Working with the supermarket chain’s energy team, we validated site lists, identified priority locations and agreed a monthly invoicing structure.

This laid the foundation for a rapid rollout, enabling us to connect 1,220 meters in four weeks.

Our site-specific turnaround times were impressive, too. We completed new connections well within our service level agreement of 25 days (and were still averaging 5.9 days by the end of the second month!)

Our client’s energy team were particularly thankful, though, for our ability to communicate clearly and manage effectively.

“The communication from Drax has been excellent – the whole team understands the challenges we face. The switch from our old supplier means we’ve been able to focus on looking ahead rather than having to help unscramble new-connection and invoicing issues.”

- Customer’s Senior Energy Consultant

Sustainability as standard

Supplying our renewable source electricity enables the supermarket chain to report zero Scope 2 carbon emissions in the UK. But we’re helping to drive sustainability even further to give our customer grounds for additional environmental claims.

We’ve already connected some of the chain’s stores with our local renewables generators, creating direct ‘peer-to-peer’ relationships. We’re looking to support with the implementation of further on-site generation facilities, too.

Supermarket vegetable display

We’re continuing to bring more of the chain’s meters online every week and looking to support with implementing additional sustainability initiatives.

Download the full case study below to learn more.

Download case study


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